Is it all new, new, new?
January is traditionally a month where we tend to START a bunch of things. Buoyed by the energy of the year that’s just left and excited for the newness of the year that is, we take on a bunch of things, sometimes over-enthusiastically!
As we come towards the end of January 2022, we want to make sure you are taking care of yourself. So, have you taken on too much already?! In the eagerness to get things done, have you set yourself up for success or are you heading down the route to chaos?!
It’s easily done. If your energy is clear and flow seems to be present, great, keep going. But if you’ve started to get a little overwhelmed or frazzled, allow yourself a moment to look at all the projects you’ve got on, and specifically the ‘new’ ones that you’ve taken on, in the hope of streamlining the business, grow it or make it better in some way.
Taking on just one thing to learn, whilst doing several other projects that are already in progress that you (sort of or mostly?) have a handle on can be a kinder thing to do, rather than throwing yourself into a bunch of things you have to learn, implement and create.That’s where overwhelm can come in.
This week, we invite you to just make a list of all the projects that are demanding your attention, and just figure out how many of those are ‘new’ or involve some level of you learning ‘new’ things to you.
Too many of these and you might just find yourself a little dazed. Which can defeat the object, slow you down or land you in procrastination. We suggest that you keep the number of things you are learning to just one or two, so you can give it the best chance to make the impact you want it to make in your business. It will keep you on the straight and narrow, consistently taking action, and avoiding the stop-start that happens when you get caught in the clutches of overwhelm.
Putting a few things on the backburner, to get your head around one new thing at a time will mean you make progress quicker; you will feel better AND give your speaker, author, coach business (and you!) the best opportunity to thrive.
If you want any support to do this, reach out for a call or join The Connection Hub to get access to over 200 resources to keep you growing your speaker, author, or coach business.